On the occasion, I make a Starbuck's run. Today I ran out of milk at home, and didn't feel like drinking any of the usual weak stuff at the office. The one on the way to work was packed this morning with caffeine and sugar-starved souls (me being no exception), I even had trouble finding a parking spot! The lines were long but moved relatively quickly.
The reason I'm rambling on about this is because I'm always self-conscious that my usual drink order runs on the long side. I'm typically not such an eccentric espresso drinker, but honestly, Starbuck's has kind of spoiled me by accomodating all my particular drink needs. I usually always get the same thing: "double, tall, nonfat, extra-hot, wet capuccino." Having worked once as a barista in a coffeeshop, an order like this on a busy morning would have had me steaming at my ears.
Today however, I didn't feel so bad. The woman in front of me literally ordered something to the following effect: "quad, venti, half-caff, one pump sugar-free vanilla, two pumps sugar-free hazelnut, extra-hot, ristretto latte, with half soy, half lowfat organic milk, with two paper cups." Who does that?? Needless to say, I was more than a bit peeved at her custom drink order, but the guys behind the counter surprisingly, remained nonplussed. I'll never know if they got her drink exactly the way she wanted it, but she walked out of the store, drink in hand, with no complaints.
This leads me to the question- what's the longest coffee drink order you've ever heard, given, or received?
image from starbucks.com
I work at Dunkin Donuts after school. One woman orders this:
"An extra large hot coffee, half coffee, half hot chocolate, with a shot of espresso, three pumps of mocha, three pumps of caramel swirl, 6 creams and 6 liquid sugars."
How about a venti, skinny, half sugar-free hazelnut, half sugar-free vanilla, no-whip, iced coffee with a shot of espresso? Haha!
Grande, hot, decaf, triple five-pump vanilla, non-fat, no foam, whip cream, extra hot, extra carmel, upside down, carmel machiatto.
my drink is,
quad grande 6 pump white mocha whole milk a little dry no whip white mocha
mine is:
quad venti 7 pump french vanilla soy extra hot extra dry cappuccino
Grande quad ristretto 190 degree no foam 3 pump vanilla 3 pump hazelnut skim milk american misto
Grand triple long extra hot no foam 3 pump upside down white mocha 3 pump toffee nut latte sitred with whip and mocha drizzle
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