This is just one of the goodies I brought home from the asian market tonight.
(from top left)
Kecap manis - from Indonesia, this is a sweet soy sauce flavored with garlic and star anise. It's sweetened with palm sugar and is used as a BBQ sauce and marinade for meat. The sauce is thick and not at all salty and has a very rich caramely flavor.
Wide rice noodles - I want to make Thai drunken noodles next week.
Rice wrappers with shrimp - The chinese call this chang fen, which means "long noodles." One of my favorite dishes to get at Cantonese dimsum restaurants.
Mung beans - aka chinese "green beans." This is used alot in desserts and some congees. It has a "cooling" effect on the body, which means it helps to take away some of the heat and stress away. I'll make a sweet soup out of this, chill it, and eat it as a snack or dessert.
Total cost: $7
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Well I to but I think the collection should secure more info then it has.
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